In response to the question with respect to fish habitat, in terms of how consultations, both the ones that you referred to and others, are finding their way into the process, I would describe it as a somewhat organic process. It's very difficult to say that we heard this, this and this in meetings X, Y, and Z and you can directly translate that into legislative text or a policy outcome, and so on. I'm sure you can appreciate that the process is a little more circuitous, so to speak, than that.
The advice and input that we received, both from the round table to which you refer, and a number of others which I believe Mr. Kamp held over the course of the summer last year and early fall, if memory serves, as well as dialogues that we've had, as we described in a list and a chart tabled with this committee in November, have allowed us to think through our policy inputs and our policy development activities fairly carefully. We've had quite a variety of input from around the country, most of which I would say is verbal, so we don't have something that's an extensive document record so that we could say, “Here's what we've heard from all of these people.” We don't have a means of cataloguing and playing that back to individuals. We have had quite a variety of inputs, not only from the round table process to which you refer, but also from conservation organizations, and from industry groups. We've had a little from universities. As I say, most of the dialogue has been fairly informal in nature, in the sense that it hasn't taken place in large formalized workshops, but much more in a bilateral conversation sense.
We are taking all of that, distilling it, and using it to bring forward over the course of the next four or five months a series of policy documents, which we will ask people for their views on. We have a set of questions that we're planning to use in that regard.
As I mentioned here on Tuesday, or across the hall I should say, work is under way to develop a regulation that will set out the information requirements we will have of project proponents and to set timelines by which the department will have to make decisions with respect to those proposals. That regulatory process will follow the “normal” one, insofar as consultations are concerned. In terms of when the regulation actually gets released, that's a determination of the government. Most of the preparatory work on that is now complete and it will be a matter of the government's regulatory agenda and timing.
I'd suggest that summarizes where we are with respect to the consultation element.
With respect to the consolidation of DFO offices, I'd say two things first. Most importantly, although we talk about the consolidation of offices, what we probably should be more focused on using is consolidation of the program previously referred to as the habitat program, the fisheries protection program now. We are moving people from 68 offices down to approximately 15. That doesn't mean the offices in which they're located necessarily close. Most of our offices have staff from the small craft harbours program, the habitat program, fish management, etc., fisheries officers and so on. Many of the physical offices, if you will, that we're speaking about will remain open. The people who previously worked in the habitat program will be consolidated from approximately 68 locations to 15.
We're quite confident that in so doing the program will become far more efficient. Decision-making, controls, and procedures will become tighter and more focused. Our ability to consolidate experts alongside each other rather than in a highly distributed network will substantially increase. Our ability to make sure that the department's resources are focused on key priorities, key issues, key habitat concerns, will substantially go up.
We will have a smaller physical footprint from the point view of the habitat program, but in this day and age the requirement to be physically on site is dramatically less than what it once was, and we do think we'll be at a point where we'll consolidate the focus.