On the issue of the seiners, as David said, it's a fishery that we monitor really carefully. As you know, there are the spring and the fall spawners. There are two different fish that are caught, and they're targeted at different sectors of the fishery.
As to what may have happened x number of years ago, it was under a different management regime. Now we are very carefully monitoring everything that's going on out there.
So we don't believe that what is happening with the seiners right now is having a negative impact on the other fishery. If we thought so, then we would obviously shut it down. That's my view. David can certainly add to the detail here.
As for your last question, it was not in fact a rationalization program; that's not how it was developed. It was a program to help with the long-term sustainability of the lobster fishery. It was a five-year program and, at this point, there is no plan to go further.