Thank you very much. I appreciate your being here.
I have a comment. From what I'm hearing, the emphasis of the department in terms of fisheries management is commercial fishing. It seems to me that is about 90% of what you do. The angling industry in Canada is worth billions; and I think as you reprofile the department, you need to really seriously consider a major ramping up of the management and enhancement of Canada's recreational fish stocks—and not just on the coast either.
I'm old enough to remember the glory days of the Fisheries Research Board and what a terrific outfit it was. Its research and enhancement efforts were directly aimed at enhancing fish populations that people actually wanted. So I think that's something you're going to have to look at.
I'm from western Canada, and I saw the effect of the habitat program when DFO moved into prairie Canada. It's simply not a pretty picture, as you well know. I've talked to enough department staff myself in my constituency to know that even they are not happy about the situation there.
I would appreciate short answers here, given how little time we have. Do you have any estimate of the effectiveness of your habitat program in inland Canada, in terms of the actual conservation of fish stocks? What has been the result for the millions spent?