Absolutely. Thank you, David.
As you're aware, the coast guard is undertaking a significant project to consolidate our marine communication and traffic services centres. That consolidation is predicated on a complete overhaul of the technology behind the operators, with entirely new consoles, entirely new screens, and entirely new views of the vessels and safety systems they're managing. It includes much of the technology that you've discussed, voice to text, so they'll no longer be doing the laborious process of recording marine and weather information; it will be text-converted. That will reduce their workload significantly. It will improve services for mariners, as it will be consistent. They'll hear one voice and it will be timely; it won't be delayed because the operator is busy with something else.
This project was under way for three years before we announced the consolidation of the marine communication and traffic services centres. We'll carry on for about two years after, as we continue to refine the technology being used.
The coast guard is constantly looking at new technologies and ways of improving communication with vessels, with mariners, and improving the entire safety network.