In a lot of the measures that we have put forward, we've talked about consolidation. We've talked about generating efficiency. I'll give one example that's directly in my area. We've consolidated the provision of financial services and contracting services. I'm going to be delivering everything that's transactional in nature—so account verification—from one service hub, instead of doing it from seven different locations across Canada. The same job gets done, but because I'm centralizing the function I can do it in a leaner fashion today.
I'm also introducing new technology, what we call an imaging system, where the documents will be imaged over to that new hub at which the account verification will take effect.
This is an example of where the reduction of FTEs...and as I said, we're trying to limit the actual number of people. We're talking about FTEs being reduced. We're trying to replace our folks, so yes, there will be fewer FTE positions, but in my case and in the example I just gave, the same type of job will get done. It doesn't affect the level of work. It's only a different way of doing it.