We did a threat assessment, which is a separate document I would be happy to share if the committee were interested, that lays out as far as we can gather based on some of the biological principles or the biological characteristics of the species whether they are likely to survive if they are introduced to Yukon waters, because that's a question we have considering the climate up here. We also asked by what means they would be introduced into the Yukon, and what kind of damage they would cause should they be introduced.
We narrowed that down to a smaller list of species. They range from fish species to some parasites to algae. I don't have that list in front of me right now, but we're dealing with a couple of species right now like didymo, which is a multifilamentous algae that we do have in the Yukon. We're not sure of the extent of its invasiveness, but it's something we're beginning to monitor right now.
To answer your question more directly, we have done that work, but it's based on our best assessment of what could come, whether it would stay if it came, and if it stayed what kind of damage it would do. Those are the questions we're asking.