Under the GATT 1994, article XX sets out a number of reasons why a WTO member could impose an import ban or some similar measure, why they could ban the import of certain products. It's a list of six or eight different circumstances or situations. It deals with things like prison labour goods that are.... The first one on the list, article XX(a), concerns products that are injurious or inconsistent with public morality.
So the EU has cited this provision, article XX(a), as a legitimate basis for it to ban the import of seal products. So it has said, on the one hand they have an outright ban of such products, and on the other hand, they have, as I mentioned, established three exemptions from that ban. So products that are harvested by Inuit people, products that are harvested for marine mammal conservation reasons, or goods that are carried in by travellers through airports or whatever.
So the flow of goods from Greenland to the EU, as was mentioned, is allowed by virtue of the first exemption, that related to harvesting of seals by Inuit people. The entire Greenlandic seal harvest, not surprisingly, is done by Inuit people.