I think the answer would be yes, that we don't want to manage to noise. We've done that in the past as well where we see something.... For example, 3Ps cod has great noise in the analysis, and if you manage to that, you're just going to create biological and economic chaos. It's better to damp it out. So if we see a huge spike, we'd have to ask ourselves, what's going on? But if the time series starts to reverse, for example, and shows abundance, we could definitely do LIFO in reverse. The inshore people got 90% of it on the way up, and that could happen again if we had that abundance, but we don't expect that to happen.
While science will not say they can predict what will be there next year, I think our personal experience as managers is it's on a downward trend, and there would be no reason empirically to think that will be reversed in the short term.