You've identified some of them in terms of science. There's also a quota of 500 tonnes, a small quota, farther up north, as well. Some of those aren't being fully utilized.
If you go back to 2007 and look at the threshold at that point in time when that commitment was made.... In terms of figuring out equitable allocation of the resource, we could look at the threshold for the inshore based on what it was in 2007 when they made that commitment and they became full stakeholders, certainly, in the resource. These are the types of things we have to look at going forward, but always, bearing fully in mind the issue of the biomass and our concerns about it. Again, very simply, it must be equitably distributed in a fair manner, not pitting one sector against another. I think we can do that. I think we have the ability to do it, but the will needs to be there to take it on. As a province, we'll certainly work with the federal government to do that.