I have one final comment to Mr. Watkins.
You've said pretty strongly that DFO kind of forced rationalization on you, it cost you all this money, and now you don't have a way to earn the money to pay the bills you have. I understand that this could well be a difficult time for you. But wasn't it the case—and I have a number of documents that demonstrate this pretty clearly—that the change from a temporary permit to a regular licence in 2007, the move of Minister Hearn at the time, really was about rationalization? It was impossible for rationalization to take place if there were these temporary permits in the system.
But the point of rationalization, according to things that Minister Hearn wrote in that year, was so that if a time came—like this—when quotas were reduced, people would be able to survive rather than having a large number all of whom are unable to survive in any way. That was the point of the change in 2007, the way I see it. I don't quite see it the way you do: that somehow this was forced on you. I mean, you were able to catch more fish when you rationalized, right, when you got another licence—