No. It's information that we generally have.
Two, once there is a certification, it's almost always—and I believe it is in fact always—with conditions. When you're certified, they say the condition is they want better information on bycatch, or they want the PA, precautionary approach, framework to be clearer in this area, and that inevitably involves DFO. We work with the fishery organization to enable it to keep that certification.
Three, we manage our fisheries based on the same guidelines, those FAO guidelines. We have a sustainable fisheries framework, which has a decision-making framework based on the precautionary approach. We have a national bycatch policy. We have a sensitive areas policy. We have a number of policies largely based on those same FAO guidelines. We have that information and we're all working with the same set of objectives that are established in the FAO guidelines.
We're not the ones who are pushing for certification or sponsoring certification, but we are supporting it when a fishery is seeking certification.
Nadia, do you want to add to that?