Anyway, I'm pleased to be here.
I think that probably everybody sitting around the room knows as much as I do about this bill and why we're doing it. But I would point out that we've had some pretty positive reaction overall, because the fact of the matter is that even though quite often we hear internationally some comments about the seal trade and the seal hunt, the reality is that it's not only legal, it's well respected and certainly is done very professionally. I think that if Parliament doesn't support the efforts that are made in such things as the seal industry, it means that other industries could be in jeopardy as well, just because internationally they may be looked at differently. I appreciate that all but one in the House seem supportive of the bill.
I think you probably realize that the reason we're going to a nautical mile, which is the main purpose in changing the regulatory process, is that there have been incidents in the past, as you know, with Mr. Watson and Sea Shepherd, and the Farley Mowat activities years ago. That's Farley Mowat the ship, not the man. There were some very close calls, and there have been suggestions that it could happen again. What the officials basically have said is, look, the half nautical mile is just too close, with ice cracks for hundreds and hundreds of feet. The reality is that these are big boats they're bringing in; they're ships, I guess, or however they put it.
That was the main intent, to actually provide better protection and better safety for all concerned.
As you know, the only comments we hear.... We do hear from the industry. They'd like to see things go further. They're happy with this change and they hope we'll look at something down the road, etc., but I want to point out that this is specific not to those who are legally approved by the minister's office and who get permits every year, but to those who refuse to cooperate in any way. They have no interest in cooperating. Their whole focus is on disrupting the seal hunt.
We have to help support the authorities who are trying to make sure that it's safe out there. That's the intent, and as I say, I would point out that if there are other things that might be done down the road.... I think I indicated to you, Mr. Chair, that the committee may at some point want to look in another year or so to see if there are other things that can be done to keep adding to the support. Also, I think it's not a bad idea to do something every once in a while just to remind both those in the industry and those observing that we do take this very seriously and we do support the industry very much.
There, I've dragged my statement out as far as I can.