I know for a fact that, again down our way, a lot of fishermen like to keep rifles in their boats. Of course, I don't know that any are actually doing that, but there's always a sense that they are a real nuisance. People don't realize that when you get into the large seals, you're talking about a grey seal weighing 800 pounds and greater. That's a lot of animal out there. So there's a lot of debate, and I know you've talked to fisheries officials about what actual impact they have on the cod fishery, etc., and I expect that debate will go on. But there's no question they're pretty heavy eaters, so I know they do cause a lot of disruption out there.
Bob, there's one thing you said about the fundraising. Some of us who are a little older probably can remember when Brigitte Bardot was the lead spokesperson for years on the seal hunt. One of the fundraising things she did was to put on the market a number of ashtrays made out of animal hooves. I thought that was something strange for an animal activist, to use hooves of animals as ashtrays and put them up for a fundraiser for animal protection. Anyway, that's part of that ignorance thing I think I was referring to.