It would be interesting. It would be a different type of policing, for sure, if it were on land or in a more moderate temperature of water, I would think. But my understanding would be...if it was a legalized fishery, whatever the process, it would be to protect the sealers, the legal hunters.
Of course, I know there are efforts to actually find product use for the big ones—and that would be great—as a possible food source, and so on. If that were the case and the markets developed, it's really possible that there could be a legalized seal hunt, but I think we're a ways off there. In other words, it's not just done because the cod are disappearing. It would be done because there's a use for it.
But I don't know how the policing would actually be done on land, or who would be responsible. But my understanding is that if it were legalized, yes, there would be appropriate protection measures put in place.