In the testimonials that we've provided, our examples of licensed observers that have disrupted the hunting environment are by flying too close to the vessel itself, or putting themselves between the vessel and seals that are to be targeted, or by flying ahead and scaring the animals off the ice. The testimonials exist.
To come back to your point about the groups that are out there, in our submission as well as in the written document, Randy Jenkins, who's the director of DFO's national fisheries intelligence service, had the following to say: “The majority of individuals who request a permit to observe the hunt”—these are licensed observers—“are those who have an interest in animal rights. The regular media, CBC or CTV for example, may also request a permit to get footage for their news shows. But the regular observers are largely from the organized animal rights groups...”. I draw clear attention to that because whether it's an animal rights or animal welfare group or the standard media, they're still due to correct safety protocols.
Reviewing the municipal regulations as it relates to discharging firearms within a safe proximity, the seal hunting environment, which is the most dangerous occupation—fishing is too, but sealing is certainly a higher risk than any other fishing activity—you're in an environment where bullets can ricochet off ice and water, which is much higher than any on land anywhere. We feel that the minimum distance for anybody to observe the hunt, including between hunters themselves, should be 500 metres. To discharge firearms any closer is causing a risk to public safety and health.
The other point I would make is that within Canada, we have acts and regulations regarding the workplace. People are entitled to a heathy workplace environment. It has been recognized by both the hunters and the enforcement officers themselves that when observation is occurring inside these distances, especially at 10 metres, there's a high level of stress and interference incurred by the hunters themselves. We're actually not providing them with a healthy and safe work environment.