Okay, good. Thank you for that.
In the few minutes I have left, let me return to the notion of amending Bill S-3, which amends the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act, thus amending the amendments so as to have in the end a Coastal Fisheries Protection Act that is as robust as it can be.
We talked about a couple of areas in the last meeting. If I understand correctly, one of the areas is we have the right in our current legislation to put in place regulations for documentation, if we're a party to a regional fishing management organization, but it's not as clear that we can require documentation if we're not a party to that organization. It might be good to put that in this bill as an amendment. We've already given the clerk some possibilities.
The amended Coastal Fisheries Protection Act, with the current Bill S-3 amendments to it, would say:
No person shall, in connection with the importation of any fish or marine plant, transport...knowing that it was taken, harvested, possessed, transported...contrary to any of the following:
Then it lists:
(a) an international fisheries treaty or arrangement to which Canada is party...;
We understand that. Then it also says:
(b) any conservation or management measures of a fisheries management organization of which Canada is not a member that is prescribed by regulation;
Is it that last phrase, “prescribed by regulation”, that sets the issue here, that we need to provide the authority for the government to put in place a regulation requiring documentation even from parties that are part of an RFMO we're not a member of?
Help me understand the necessity for this amendment, which we talked about the other day.