My recollection is that we have seen 11 countries accede to the treaty to date, but we require a minimum of 25 for the treaty to enter into force globally. I further understand that the number that have signed the treaty signalling their intent to ratify it are at some stage in the process of moving towards accession to it, in numbers that I think are around 30 to 35, but certainly they are well in excess of 25. There are many countries like us that have signalled their intention to ratify it and are in the midst of moving through their domestic processes to give effect to that.
The other point which I think is important here is on two of our trading partners that are the most important in the fisheries and seafood context. These are the European Union, which has ratified the treaty, and the U.S., which has signed it. However, beyond the port state measures agreement, they have taken other measures that clearly indicate they take the global problems of IUU fisheries very seriously and are taking measures to curtail the import of IUU products into their respective markets.
It is important for us to play a leadership role to signal to them that we will be good partners in those global efforts.