Just one clarification, you're quite right that Gus Etchegary was chair of the Fisheries Council of Canada. I'm the president, so we have a current chair, Rob Morley from British Columbia.
There's no question that with the decline of the cod fishery in 1992, Canada introduced a moratorium on the fishing of Atlantic cod. Then under the UN FAO agreement in terms of the NAFO organizations, NAFO adopted a moratorium on fishing northern cod roughly in sequence. Both the NAFO organization and the Canadian fisheries management regime with respect to northern cod had a moratorium.
As you say illegal fishing will occur. The powers that we have are through our participation in NAFO, where Canada's coast guard, aircraft, and all that do the surveillance, and hopefully identify those fishing vessels fishing illegally for cod, or whatever, then proceed.
You're quite right. I'll pass it to David for the comment, but this agreement does not in itself enhance or diminish the powers of Canada to operate not only in its own waters, but also within the regional fisheries management organization, such as NAFO. It gives further responsibilities and duties with respect to the importation or transshipment of fish products through Canada. That's what it's targeted at. In my view that's straightforward.
David, you may want to add to that.