Well, I think there are many and that they coincide nicely with the key products that we have been producing in our fisheries sector over the last while. It's not on the west coast, of course, primarily, but shrimp in particular will be a big success story. We have faced significant obstacles into the EU market on cooked and peeled shrimp, for example. But we will have entirely open access in that market. Newfoundland and Labrador is very interested in that specifically.
When it comes to the west coast, the tariffs on salmon will be completely eliminated as of day one that the agreement comes into effect. We will have full access to the EU market on the first day for all salmon products, no matter what degree of processing they may have.
We'll also have access on various other types of fish species of interest to British Columbia, whether it's ground fish, or whether it's.... Well, British Columbia has indicated an interest in hake and sablefish and.... Let's find another one. Certainly the salmon we have covered. I'd have to say that with the exception of tuna, in which British Columbia has a modest interest, everything else is going to be duty-free immediately.