In a sense, doesn’t this provision replace section 18.04? We now have a maximum fine. If the amount had been $100,000 or more, it would have been open-ended.
We are talking about “an additional fine in an amount equal to the court’s estimation of those benefits”.
It could have been $200,000, but we can say that the estimation is $300,000. This means that the court can impose a fine of over $100,000 or $200,000.
Paragraph 18.03(1)(a) reads as follows: “on conviction on indictment, to a fine of not more than $500,000”. I think we are tying our hands completely. This provision will take precedence over the other paragraph, because it sets a maximum fine. There was no such thing before; it just didn’t exist.
We are now using the words “of not more than”. We are not talking about an additional fine in an amount equal to the court’s estimation of those benefits that would be higher than the amount in the provision you are proposing. The fine is now set at a maximum amount. You cannot exceed the maximum amount. An additional fine could go from $200,000 to $300,000 or from $300,000 to $400,000, but now there is a limit of $500,000. If I were the defence lawyer, I would say that the judge is not allowed to impose a fine higher than the maximum fine.
To determine the additional fine, the judge could have some fun and impose a fine between $100,000 and $500,000, but the maximum fine is $500,000.
Before we make a decision on that, I suggest that you take a really close look at this to see if what is being said makes sense, because once the amendment is passed, there is no turning back.
My colleague François Lapointe said this earlier. Imagine that a person has been suspected of committing offences for two or three years, but that they have not been caught yet. Finally, they are caught. However, $500,000 is not a lot for a fisherman. One catch of fish products may be worth more than that. If you are familiar with fishing, you know that tuna, for instance, can bring in between $500 and $600 per fish. For those fishermen, $500,000 is not a big deal.
In a word, this section concerns me. Do you have a legal opinion saying that $500,000 does not mean anything? If, in special cases, $500,000 does not mean anything, section 18.04 should say so and should specify that it takes precedence over the other provision, because this is not the case right now and no reference is made to that.