Yes. Fees appear to be set absolutely arbitrarily. The municipalities decide what fees they will set. We have seen that no one municipality sets the same fees for accessing lakes in its area. Each municipality sets different fees and does not use a common scale.
We have asked the provincial government to set minimum and maximum fees that municipalities will have to abide by. This does not currently exist and therefore cities do not have a reference point that they can use to set those fees. They just appear to be setting the highest fees possible in order to prevent non-residents from using their lakes.
What you said is interesting. It's as if the municipalities do not see that they are depriving themselves of a certain kind of tourism by preventing people from fishing in their lakes. It is a little difficult to understand, but on the other hand, we know that residents living around the lakes are not interested in tourism. They want peace and quiet and they do not want people fishing on the lake in front of their cottage or their home. That's what is important to them. Tourism to their mind is secondary.