Yes, certainly. The meeting was called by Leroy MacEachern from the Antigonish DFO office. He called a number of interest groups. As far as I know, all who were called did attend.
I've already mentioned who was there, but I think that having the recreational and commercial people and the first nations there in one room, all speaking and trying to come to a consensus on this particular problem, says a lot. It's no longer just the recreational people who have one perspective or one point of view. I think we're all on the same page when it comes to dealing with things such as the threat of striped bass, and we can move forward on a united front and try to convince DFO to take the appropriate action.
Now, my frustration isn't that DFO didn't take action. They've increased the number of days that you can retain a striped bass by seven over last year. My comment—and again, it is a criticism—is that it's putting together very critical or very fragmented periods of time when you can fish. You can fish three days in September and you can fish eleven days in May. It would be much simpler—