Mr. James and Messrs. Wood and Haley, if you could only have sat in on all of the other statements we've heard from kindred spirits across the country, you would have heard five themes, I think, into which your statements play very strongly, all of them relatively surprising. They include the robust revenues that arise from the recreational fishery; the number and intensity of volunteers, and all three of you have spoken to that; the importance of partnerships between volunteer-driven groups, DFO, and other stakeholders; and the role of culture and how the recreational fishery creates a culture. Also, I was really intrigued by your closing remarks. I think it was you, Mr. Haley, who referred to the recreational fishery as an excellent activity to keep people active and healthy.
As well, there's something you haven't really referred to, I don't think, and that is participation in the recreational fisheries partnership program, which is a fairly new program that got wings from the members of this very committee, was taken up by our fisheries minister, and is now quite popular. I would start by asking you, has there been participation in the recreational fisheries partnerships program by any of the groups you're associated with?