Clearly, when we were going through the process it was a difficult time. People who had worked with colleagues over a period of many years either were getting letters, or their colleagues were getting letters. It was a difficult time.
We have been managing our vacancy patterns for a number of years in order to try to have a soft landing for people, and I think we've had a pretty good track record in looking after our folks. They've seen that over the course of the last three budgets. I think the people in programs that were not impacted, because in the last 2013 budget we didn't touch any front-line staff, no science staff. Anybody delivering service to Canadians was not impacted. They've seen that, and I think they've seen it's time to get on with the job. There's been a bit of a rebounding in morale as they've seen how we're taking care of people.
In organizations that were pretty heavily impacted that's been a tough time. If you're in that kind of an organization, it has been difficult, but I think we're through that and we're on the other side of it. For the people giving services to Canadians, I think they're back in full production.