With regard to the coast guard helicopters, we have received money in budget 2012 to replace the whole fleet of helicopters, up to 24 helicopters.
We have grouped them into three groups of helicopters. The first one is the light helicopter to basically replace the light helicopter we have now. The second one is the medium helicopter. The third one is two helicopters to go on the polar icebreaker.
We are just about ready to issue the request for proposal for the medium helicopter. We're finalizing that now. Hopefully, early in the new year we'll publish the request for proposal.
On the light helicopter, we went through the route of a request for proposal already. We have received a compliant proposal, but another company that has not set forth a bid has taken us to court. It is complaining about the requirements we had established, so pending the outcome of that court case, we have put on ice the next steps, if you want, for the light helicopters.