Gentlemen, the reason that I'm pressuring on this is there's a reluctance and a hesitancy for anyone to challenge the detrimental effects that natives and cultural pressure have on fisheries and hunting. If we don't get strong enough wording in this, it will continue to be ignored because, frankly, nobody wants to tackle it. I'll give you an example. In Ontario right now, our moose hunt will probably end in five to 10 years, maybe sooner, and I'll tell you what the main reason is. It's because—while I have no problem with a native hunting and that kind of thing—they don't follow the same rules as us. They're going right into the wintering grounds and they're shooting when the cows are full of calves. It's indiscriminate. Right now the Manitoba government has made a move on spotlighting—in our part of the world, it's known as jacklighting. They go in with lights and they're shooting the moose. So they're going to put a stop to it.