I will just add to it. I think—to go back to Karen's question—in terms of the pilot project, it came from fishermen, but I think one of the things I'd like to suggest to the committee is that the department and the industry need to be agile to deal with these whales, because we don't have a timeline of when they're coming and when they're going. I think we've all learned to be a little more agile, but I would like to see the department be more agile in the way in which it responds.
Some of the delays we felt this winter, when we couldn't really get a keen sense of what was going to happen, dragged on for quite a while, and some of it was because it was such a sharp learning curve for everybody.
We have an example where we would like to do something that the regulation won't allow us to do, and we need to work with the department to get out of the box that confines us. If fishermen want to take an end line down, which is a reduction of vertical lines in the water, then we have to get beyond the regulatory measure that constrains us from doing that.
I put that forward as an example. I know the department is frustrated as well, and we're looking for solutions, but regulatory change takes time, as you are all very well aware, so I put that forward.
In terms of the time question, Karen, I think these gentlemen here from the gulf are in a better position to talk about that question.