They designed all their hatcheries originally to produce these quick S0s, where you spawn the fish in the fall; they are grown rapidly the first three months in fresh water on high-energy diets to get them to three to five grams by the first of May, and they would release them. However, in our hatchery, we only start feeding the fish at half a gram, when they're releasing theirs, and we keep ours an additional year.
Their hatcheries are not designed to grow any number of these yearling chinook, and yes, 30 years ago their S0 production did have greater survival, but currently, they do not. So we have to change the strategy. The great thing about the S1s that we grow is we release them at the beginning of April. There are herrings and herring spawn. The S1s migrate very rapidly. They're not huge; they may be only 10 or 11 grams, but there's other food available and they're not targeted by the seals and they're more immune competent. They move quickly up to Alaska. It's a totally different creature from the type that the government releases.
To get back to your question, they simply are not set up to grow these, whereas we have designed our whole facility around it. It's a big facility. We spent about $3 million. We have a big cold-water source, lots of independent incubators and rearing facilities, and proven results.