I want to follow up on a question pursued earlier by my colleague. We had two briefs earlier today from two fisher organizations. One was the PEIFA and the other was the group representing the lobster fishers of the Gaspé. They were clear in their objectives—namely, to ensure the protection of the north Atlantic whale and at the same time mitigate the impact on their fishing footprint.
They questioned at length Canada's application of a closure protocol that is different from the one in the U.S. The reference was to the U.S. using the sighting of three whales versus one whale, which I believe you addressed. It really seemed puzzling, because they gave us an outline from the Gaspé, and the fishery was close to the shore in June, when they were fishing in seven and a half feet of water. Do you really think, or does evidence show, that a north Atlantic right whale would be found in seven feet of water?