What we indicated in the Species at Risk Act was that they had 14 species. There were only four out of the 14 species that had their recovery strategies done on time. That means 10 out of 14 endangered or threatened species recovery strategies were not done on time. Most recovery strategies and action plans were late, although action plans for some of the species were finalized in 2017.
I think the main message of our audit was that—and, in fact, Mr. Burns said it—the U.S. has been working in this area for 20 years; he said that we've only been doing something for the last couple of years.
Our audit was saying exactly that. Up until the time that we had those 12 right whales found dead, all these tools that we had at our disposal were not being used very much. I can't say it was zero, but they weren't being used to the fullest to protect marine mammals.