Absolutely. It would be an important one.
DFO has the responsibility for regulating, for managing, Atlantic salmon in the four Atlantic provinces. Quebec has that responsibility for its rivers. Quebec is an excellent model for river management. A lot of local associations manage the recreational fishery and do a terrific job as far as wardens, habitat renewal, and so on are concerned.
When you buy a licence in Quebec, you get seven tags, so you can kill seven fish. On some rivers you can actually take seven large fish. The Quebec government did a consultation process last year almost simultaneously with the advisory committee and the work we were doing. There was strong support from anglers in Quebec to reduce the number of tags from seven to four, with only one large fish tag. The other three tags would be for use on grilse, or smaller salmon.
Unfortunately, that couldn't be implemented in 2016 because it requires a legislative change, which is a DFO responsibility. Hopefully it will be in place for 2017.