Maybe, Mr. Burns, you can help me. I, as an Albertan, cannot possess any wild species of fish in an aquarium in my house without a permit to do so. I can have tropical fish. I can't do anything with wildlife. I can't keep a deer alive in my yard. I can't keep an elk alive. I'm not allowed to possess any wild animal unless I have a permit that allows me to do so. Surely to goodness Marineland and the Vancouver Aquarium have permits allowing them to do so. If so, and if this is a problem, why can't we simply revoke the permits over time, if that's what the end goal is of whatever we're trying to achieve here? Why do we need legislation and Criminal Code things that are going to potentially put travel agents in jail for selling tickets to SeaWorld without actually knowing it? That's the way the legislation reads. Everyone commits an offence who promotes or arranges—well, selling a ticket to somebody for SeaWorld, if you're....
I can go right now to the Alberta Motor Association in my home province and buy tickets to SeaWorld. According to me, they're conducting and receiving money. They would receive a commission for the sale of that. They're arranging my ability to go see captive whales. I know we talked about this before, but why are we using such a heavy-handed approach? I don't understand this.
That's just my comment. I'm going to go back to one of the questions I have.
The animal that's currently in captivity in Vancouver.... When the Department of Fisheries and Oceans is alerted to the presence of an animal in distress, what kinds of facilities do we have as a government? What kinds of facilities are available to us to provide sanctuary or safe harbour until we have the ability to actually nurture or nurse the animal back to health? Where would we do it if the Vancouver Aquarium had never been built in the first place? Are there other facilities? If we find something in the southern resident killer whale population—a whale that is in distress—how would we help it if we needed to take it outside of the wild environment? Would we just let nature take its course?