Okay. There are 154,000 to 600,000 fish. It's somewhere in there, so when the department says there are 300,000 fish, it's a very, very fuzzy number.
I want to talk about something quite different, but it's related to the survival of the Atlantic salmon. There's a time bomb on the Miramichi called the Miramichi Lake. The Miramichi Salmon Association and a number of groups have put forward a very sophisticated proposal to rotenone the smallmouth bass in that lake, which are clearly an invasive non-native species. That time bomb means that if the smallmouth bass enter the Miramichi, they will easily colonize the Miramichi, with dreadful mortality results for smolts.
Why are you holding back on the program to rotenone Miramichi Lake given that rotenone has been used in thousands of situations worldwide and is the most benign and safe fish toxicant that can ever be used?