I'm happy to speak to that. There were changes recently in what we call the static and dynamic closure regime, which I think folks are aware of, that went into place last year. We were very fortunate there. There were no mortalities, as far as we know.
There have been some changes this year. I think with reductions in the size of the static closures—the permanent closures have been reduced—they would still cover something like 90% of where the sightings were last year. As well, there's been some flexibility on very near-shore closures. Last year, closures ran right up to the shoreline. The view is that North Atlantic right whales in very shallow water are typically rare, and so that closed area moved off the shore. The view is that this would remain open, unless an actual whale showed up and then you would probably extend into shallow water. There's a little bit of flexibility compared to last year.
Certainly, all this gets to important concerns about preserving access to international markets, and stemming from concerns about marine mammal interaction.