I could answer that.
Yes, there has been a number of projects. There's one on the Conne River in Newfoundland, where they captured wild smolts, put them in a cage in the bay, and reared them up to adults. It's a well-known technology. The aquaculture industry does it every day.
In the Bay of Fundy, this is the other way they're bringing back their salmon: they're catching wild smolts on those small Bay of Fundy rivers, putting them in sea cages, and growing them up to be adults. That works, because in the Bay of Fundy, and of course on the coast of Newfoundland, the waters are warm enough that you can run a cage there year-round. For the Miramichi, our salt water gets too cold in the winter. Salmon won't survive. If we want to do it, we have to do it in land-based facilities.