We do. We support closed containment for a number of reasons. One is that it means that the externalities to the marine environment writ large are eliminated. The closed containment industry has to, in their business model, pay for all the externalities.
Also, there's been some very successful closed containment both on the west coast and the east coast. I would note that a lot of hatcheries are more or less closed containment, and growing out of the smolts happens in more or less closed containment.
The biggest issue for us is the impacts on the environment. They come for free. I think very few other agricultural or farming industries get those kinds of services for free and have to pay so little. I think $12.18 a hectare is an embarrassment. Really, in terms of the municipalities who should be able to gain from those industries, I think that if we're going to have open net-pen fish farming, the externalities have to be paid for, and that's not happening right now.