I am less familiar with the in-river management plan. I think the other witnesses speaking here today are much more familiar with that, because our organization is not an angling or a restoration organization.
I would say, from my experience, that sometimes the elephant in the room does not get dealt with—and that elephant would be the aquaculture industry. I think we often think that if we improve river habitat.... We still have this unknown that is at-sea mortality, which I do not think we've adequately addressed. I think some of the tagging studies are really good. I think looking at the take in the Greenland salmon commercial fisheries is important.
However, I'd say that we have turned a bit of a blind eye to the impacts of the farmed salmon industry and its improper and irresponsible regulation in Atlantic Canada, particularly compared to other salmon-farming countries such as Norway and Scotland that really make an effort to keep their farms away from salmon-bearing rivers. They still have problems, but we have a long way to go in regulating the open net-pen farming industry so that we at least can understand and decide on the risks that we are willing to take for Atlantic salmon.