Thank you for that. I think that's a very good question.
I certainly would echo the comments of my colleague regarding the need for additional funding to support the border services. The primary method of transport is going to be through trailered boats. We need 24-7, 365-day coverage by Canada Border Services Agency to prevent boats from coming into B.C. from the United States. We know there are infestations in Montana and other western states. A number of boats are purchased there and imported into British Columbia. We should ensure that the Canada Border Services Agency is picking them up.
We also think the federal DFO could take more action with respect to boats that are being transported out of currently infested areas. The regulations should be such that if you're going to take a boat out of Ontario and into another province, it must be decontaminated before it leaves Ontario. I think that would solve a lot of problems. It would stop the problem where it originates, rather than trying to pick it up at all the points of entry all the way along. You might be much more effective on a dollar basis per expenditure by focusing on those areas where the infestations have already occurred.
Last, I think the other issue is float planes. We don't know how big that problem is. We have float planes regularly coming into B.C., as you know. We have a lot of access points. Zebra and quagga mussels can be carried and transmitted in those float planes as easily as anything. I don't believe there are any actions being required of pilots or of companies operating aircraft coming into British Columbia, to ensure they're not contaminated.