Under the oceans protection plan, we are working diligently to reframe the relationship you've just referred to. One piece of that is regional response planning. I know that sounds like a bureaucratic term, but in fact, our intent under regional response planning is to have environmental response planning that is unique in the world. It will be unique, and is unique, because of its ecosystem approach, for one, and also because it explicitly seeks to incorporate traditional knowledge from indigenous and coastal communities.
In one of my previous answers, I was talking about the search and rescue training we've done on the west coast, and it put me in mind of a video you can find online of one of those training sessions. You hear an indigenous person talking about how special it is to bring what he knows about that area into the training we've provided. I use it only as an example to say that this is more than talk; this is actually happening.
Yes, our training is the formal environmental response training, but we do that with open hearts, open minds and open ears, to hear what our indigenous partners care to share with us. We want to work together, and as I said earlier, regional response planning is the framework that allows us to bring all of that together. Yes, in a word, we need to trust them, and we also need to win their trust for what we bring to the on-water approach.