I don't buy that for a minute. There has never been a single case of a non-native invasive harmful species ever eliminated by fishing.
Every smallmouth bass female, as you know, lays thousands and thousands of eggs. When the fry hatch, they're extremely small. They'll go through any fish fence. This is a time bomb waiting to happen, yet you're more than happy to use fish toxicants on the lamprey eel in the Great Lakes. You think it's a great idea to use a chemical to eliminate them.
The track record of rotenone goes back 50 to 60 years. It's been used countless times to manage fish communities. Again, I think your decision is completely wrong.
Frankly, what I find about your department is that the higher-ups in your department think your clients are the fish. They're not. Your clients are the people who use the fish. That should be your primary concern. The Atlantic salmon fishery in New Brunswick has been estimated to be worth $135 million and thousands of jobs.
Speaking of Atlantic salmon, our committee produced a unanimous report with 17 recommendations. None have been followed. Why is that?