It is an important issue. I know you're speaking specifically about Malpeque Bay and some of the challenges there. There are a number of cases where the dredging issues are increasingly important, although there are also other harbours where maintenance is required simply as a result of climate change-related weather events.
As I said in my response to the earlier question, the government has brought forward significant resources to invest in small craft harbours—$250 million in budget 2018 to be spread over two years—but we are very cognizant of the fact that the requirements in small craft harbours are going to have to be assessed in light of the newer challenges we are facing. One of these is the climate issue, which is creating issues that we haven't seen before that we're going to have to be able to manage, but also some of the economic drivers we're seeing with respect to the growth in aquaculture and the growth in the size of many of the boats.
That is an active conversation within the department at the present time. We will endeavour to come forward with a view about what will be required on a go-forward basis.