Thank you for that clarification.
We've all seen the measures being taken to help restore the southern resident killer whales. In doing some research, it's not easy to see that the southern resident killer whales are not at their lowest level ever. That was in 1976, when they were down around 71. They rebounded to 98 by 1995, a fairly significant recovery over a time period of about 20 years.
What allowed them to increase during that time? With the measures being taken right now to restrict fisheries—commercial fisheries, recreational fisheries—are equivalent measures being taken to address the pinniped predation situation? We've seen reports stating that harbour seal consumption around that same time frame, the mid-seventies to the mid-nineties, and current now, was three and a half million individual chinook. Now it's at 27.4 million individual chinook. Are the same steps being taken to manage those competing predators that are being taken against fishing opportunities?