I think it's a huge economic opportunity for Canada. We have an opportunity to catch more fish than we're currently catching. We have this rolling closure to protect steelhead, which does sort of a half-assed job because it's not long enough. The reason it's not long enough is that we don't want to let all these fish swim by without getting caught, but we really can have it both ways; we just have to change the way we fish.
I mean, we've been doing it the same way for 100 years. Gillnetters are kind of like fly fishermen. If you told a fly fisherman they couldn't fly-fish anymore and had to catch their fish in a trap, they wouldn't be very happy about it. Gillnetters would feel the same way. But we have to move on. It's 2019, and what we're doing isn't working. The mortality from gillnets is 50%.