The remarkable things about salmon anglers is they're totally devoted to the species and the restoration of the species, Many of them have spent countless years volunteering to help in any particular project that happens to rear its head, any opportunity they get to try to help the salmon, they're willing to do. These are individuals I'm talking about.
I'm also talking about the river management groups, the watershed committees that exist on some rivers. I'm talking about organizations like the Miramichi Salmon Association, the Northumberland Salmon Protection Association, the Atlantic Salmon Federation, the New Brunswick Salmon Council, all those groups. Saint John River, Kennebecasis River, Tobique River, Restigouche River—all those rivers have groups that are ready and willing to stand up and do a lot of the labour. So the cost factor may not be as great as you may think.
When I was minister, I had people all over the province volunteering to clean up streams, pick up all the garbage, and tidy them up. All we bought as a department were the garbage bags and T-shirts and for a matter of a few thousand dollars, we actually cleaned up our rivers and really made them something to be proud of. Individual groups, the Moncton Fish and Game Association, were the ones who started that on the North Pole Stream.
People are out there, ready to go to work. All they need is for somebody to set them into action, and the federal government is the one to do it. This task force that I keep talking about should be the lead entity in doing that.