Sure. I'll give a direct example.
I was part of a project in my private business prior to coming to the Senate. There was a mining company that wanted to utilize a pond or a lake, so they had to do a mitigation of the lake. They removed the fish and put them in another.... I think it was in the same watershed. That was the mitigation, but they were also required to provide.... This was a novel way of doing third party habitat banking under a different regime, because a regime wasn't in place, but I believe they funded a salmon ladder a couple of hundred kilometres away. It was a different river system and a different watershed. That's the kind of thing that....
Everyone was pleased with that. The mining company was pleased because they not only had to do the mitigation, which was required by law, but they also could support another project in another area. As I mentioned earlier, one of my amendments was on service area. My hope is that it would be in the same watershed, in the same river system, but sometimes there isn't a proponent in the same river system. Sometimes there's no opportunity to do upgrading of wetlands in the same river system, so that's why I said within the same province.
The other thing about that, Mr. Johns, is that it would still be under the discretion of the minister to have it in a service area anywhere in Canada, but the intent was to have it as local as possible.