The facts are that corporate concentration has not been increasing. It's actually been declining. I think I presented some numbers to show you that the perception people have is based on misinformation, because clearly Canfisco doesn't control anywhere near what people think it does.
Number two, the real issue we have here is that.... You're hearing people say that the good old days were the 1980s and 1990s, when we caught 150 million pounds of salmon. The landed value was anywhere between $200 million and $300 million. In the last decade, the average value of the fish has been under $50 million, so there's not enough income there to support the same number of people who used to be there. Those are the facts.
I would love to go back to a regime where we could harvest more fish. That would be, to me, what I'd like to sit down and work on with the unions. Let's go after the government to come up with a better management system that allows us to increase the harvest so there's more for everybody. We have—