Yes, sure.
As I mentioned before, we completed a fisheries improvement project for the southern cod fishery and we just initiated one with the FFAW on the northern cod fishery.
It's a multi-year project. The northern cod fisheries improvement project is scheduled to take five years. We use an independent assessment, basically, to test the performance of the fishery using three criteria. It looks at the stock health, it looks at the ecosystem impacts on the fishery, and it looks at the governance structure of a particular fishery.
We identify where the issues are by comparing the fishery against those indicators, and then, as a second step, we develop strategies to address those issues. Finally, that would result in an action plan with very clear direction on do this, do that, what it costs, who is responsible, etc. Then there's implementation of the action plan, and the implementation phase, of course, is the most important one, because that's where on-the-ground improvement measures take place, and that's certainly a collaborative effort between harvesters, DFO, the provincial government, and many more.