I can provide you with a partial answer. We are looking at the diet of potential competitors such turbot and American plaice and trying to track the changes in their diet over time. Part of the issue is that it's very difficult to reconstruct the past, when we have no data. We have a few years of data that we started as part of an ecosystem research initiative several years ago, where we started collecting data on the stomach content of key players, including capelin and sand lance, in the system. We have gained some knowledge, but you need to get enough of a change in the system to be able to understand those types of interactions.
I am involved right now in a project where we're looking at effective changes in zooplankton prey availability, the small crustaceans in the water column, and their effect on the condition of capelin in the region. Based on the data that we have we can go back to the 1990s with that kind of information. It is promising because we have detected some signals. But part of the issue is that there are many questions to address and it's been a challenge in the last few years to be able to address them all to the extent that is needed. But there are some data that are available to do that.