How it works is that we get so much per week now. We don't know because we still haven't seen the proposal, but we'll assume it's a 20-week fishery. So, I'm allowed to have 3,000 pounds a week for 20 weeks. That's 60,000 pounds, but I have to catch so much per week. Do you understand?
Before, we used to have individual quotas, meaning I had my 60,000 pounds and I could catch that in one week if I had a sale for it with the merchant or whatever. That should be my prerogative. If I want to make a deal with you today that I can land my fish over a course of two weeks or one week, that should not be dictated to me by licence conditions or union policy. That's my freedom to try to negotiate and to try to make some money.
I'm not asking for more fish. It's just the way that it was allotted. They regulated me to say that it was no different than any other industry, like the milk industry or whatever. If there's that much money there, whether you catch it in one week or 20 weeks.... That's our problem with it, not being part of the process and not being consulted. I can't begin to tell you what a slap in the face it was.
I can tell you anything you need to know about current-day in Newfoundland. I moderate a Facebook group with over 1,300 people in it. That's where a lot of this backlash comes from, to be honest with you. If you want to know anything about the fishery in Newfoundland, I don't know anyone right now who knows more about it than me in terms of the different areas and everything else. If you want to know what happened and how we got in this mess, that man right there will tell you. He's not young. He's in his nineties and maybe God has him here for a reason, to tell you why and what's going on here. I'll guarantee you one thing: he knows what he's talking about. He knows why we're here and what needs to be changed so that it doesn't happen again.
When you were negotiating with CETA on this MPR stuff—getting rid of MPRs—that's a joke. MPRs are a joke, and they're provincial legislation and everything else. That has nothing to do with you guys. We'll battle the provincial government on that, but we should have gotten out of NAFO. That is what's taking our fish from us. We're not allowed to have it. You can read your graphs and do whatever.
You might have a question for Gus, so I'll let you have him.