Thank you.
It's certainly a challenge to talk about the northern cod fishery in 10 minutes, so I'll get going.
Welcome. Good morning to members of the committee. I'm Keith Sullivan, president of the Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union, an affiliate with Unifor. The FFAW is the largest private sector union in the province, representing over 12,000 members, the vast majority in fish harvesting and fish processing.
It's understood that the cod fishery has a deep connection with our province. I'm going to talk about the value of the cod fishery to our members and our communities.
The FFAW union movement started in 1970 when the cod price was 2.5¢ per pound. Back then, we didn't refer to it as “cod”, but simply fish. Cod was our fishery and our identity. The northern cod moratorium in 1992 put tens of thousands of FFAW members, including my family, out of work and dependent on government subsidy programs. The calamity of the cod moratorium forever changed the relationship between fish harvesters and fisheries. The change applied to all aspects of the fishery, from science to marketing to management.
In the wake of the moratorium, it was critical for fish harvesters and the FFAW to establish a larger role in fishery science. To that end, over the past 25 years, the FFAW has developed a full fisheries science program on a variety of species. The union also has a full-time fisheries scientist on staff, so that when DFO discusses matters of science we are in a room with a vast array of knowledge and a voice.
With respect to cod, our two most important science programs are the cod sentinel and cod tagging programs. Sentinel started after the moratorium as a response to a deep disconnect between what harvesters were saying on the water and the results of the stock assessments conducted by DFO in the years prior to the moratorium and that were being given to us. Before the moratorium, information from the inshore harvester was not systematically collected and used to inform management of the stock. Up to the moratorium, information on abundance was collected from the catch of offshore vessels that fished when cod were aggregated and vulnerable. There was limited information from the inshore fisheries on cod.
The cod sentinel program was designed to systematically collect information from the inshore to use for use in stock assessment and management. We now have information on catch rates and much more biological information.
The information that the FFAW collects from its tagging program is crucial. It provides a direct estimate on fishing mortality, and it allows us to estimate the amount of cod removed during a season. It even accounts for removals of recreational catch. Our tagging program is conducted in partnership with DFO and involves attaching spaghetti tags to northern cod in inshore waters. Just this week, we have technicians on the northern peninsula and southern Labrador.
What are our science programs telling us? In sentinel, catch rates have increased substantially over the past five to 10 years. The increase started in division 3K, where experimental nets that once caught four fish are now catching 15. In division 2J, the increase was slower in developing, but over time the catches from experimental nets have gone from one to two to 30 fish per net. What this means is that catch rates are much higher than they were at the beginning of the moratorium, particularly in 2J.
With respect to mortality, the level for this stock is very low at the moment. Fishing mortality refers to the mortality of the species from fishing over the year. For the past three years, fishing mortality of northern cod stock was about 2%. In historical terms, in the 1980s, fishing mortality was around 20%. We're currently at one-tenth of that rate and, more importantly, biomass is expected to grow considerably over the next three years, which is the projection we have from our latest stock assessment.
What all of this points to is the long awaited return of northern cod stock and the corresponding environmental shift. Harvesters and processors have primarily focused on shellfish for the past 20 years. Now the focus is switching to groundfish, and not just cod, but turbot, redfish, and others. Though we're encouraged by the return of cod, we have not lost sight of the importance of conservation.
There is no harvester in this province who wants to relive the challenges of the cod moratorium. The new cod fishery is going to be managed correctly. To that end, we have the WWF, processing companies, and FFAW members attending meetings on a fisheries improvement project for northern cod. It's a very important partnership, with the goal of meeting sustainability standards for the new cod fisheries, which means things like the marine stewardship certification.
The shift back to groundfish is exciting and challenging. The cod fishery is certainly different from shellfish, and all in the province are aware of this. With shrimp and snow crab, we are major suppliers to the market. For cod, we're certainly a relatively small fraction of the overall supply.
In many discussions and debates on how to approach northern cod as it returns, the one point that came back is that we would approach the cod fishery in a much different way than before. Prior to the moratorium, we were a quantity-based fishery serving the fish-stick market. As we rebuild our cod fishery, our focus is on quality, a deliberate and necessary shift for the harvesters of our province.
With quality in mind, the FFAW is part of the Newfoundland and Labrador Groundfish Industry Development Council. We have developed a ocean-to-plate approach. We're looking first at what the market needs and where the most value can be achieved, and then we're building our cod fishery to meet those needs. For example, we know there is a demand for high-quality, fresh, and once-frozen cod for white tablecloth restaurants and high-end consumers. These markets exist in a variety of places. Icewater Seafoods mentioned their markets in Europe, for example. Iceland has increased the value of its own fishery by providing fresh cod to the eastern United States. With our current connections to Europe and our proximity to the U.S., we have much potential in the cod market.
While it's important to tie our new cod fishery to market needs, we also need to build a fishery that works for our harvesters and plant workers in the future. Harvesters need to be able to land high-quality cod, and they need to be compensated accordingly for the value they're bringing into this industry.
The first thing that needs to be done—and it is within the power of the federal government to do so—is to protect the owner-operator principle. The attack on the owner-operator principle in the last 20 years, primarily but not exclusively by processing companies, has been terrible for the economics of the fishery in our coastal regions. Of particular concern is the impact of trust agreements, that method of undermining the owner-operator and fleet separation policies and its impact on the cost of fishing licences, which has made it extremely difficult for the next generation of harvesters to enter the fishery.
Processing companies with large resources have circumvented owner-operator and fleet separation policies and have bid up the price of crab and shrimp licences to the point where only well-established harvesters—or in most cases, processors—can afford to pay. Harvesters who are in trust agreements often receive less money for their catches. Fortunately, the impact of trust agreements on the cod fishery today is a little smaller. It is not the same as those other fisheries. However, this could change, particularly as the value of the cod fishery increases. Therefore, the owner-operator policies must be protected.
The focus on quality also requires an understanding of what quality cod is and how a quality cod can be landed. As I mentioned earlier, the pre-moratorium fishery was focused on quantity. Harvesters haven't landed northern cod in a meaningful way in 25 years, so we still have some work to do.
We've spent a significant amount of time, at all levels of the industry, on fully understanding what constitutes a quality fish. For the past two years, we've been engaged in a cod quality project, in partnership with ACOA and the provincial government. Teams of harvesters monitor a whole host of variables, from the temperature of the fish, to how it's handled when removed from the net or hook. When this process is finished, we should have a comprehensive guide for achieving top-quality cod, and we'll be able to disseminate this information to all in the industry, including harvesters.
Harvesters also need to be properly compensated for providing quality fish. On this point, we have made important steps. For the past three seasons, we've had a quality-grade price system, where grade A cod receives a higher price than grade B cod and so on. This certainly has its challenges, but harvesters recognize the need to be paid for the quality, and this will be key to increasing value.
The new cod fishery is going to require significant investment, from both a harvester and a processor perspective. For that investment to pay off, the harvester price needs to be good, and the fishery needs to be managed and structured properly. One management change that began this year is having a longer season to allow harvesters to catch more cod so that we can supply a steady stream to the market. The best cod, the cod that provides the best price to harvesters and processors, is one that is landed quickly and shipped to market. We need to move away from a condensed fishing season and to spread out landings and avoid gluts in the processing sector.
In years past, harvesters were limited to 5,000 pounds, which they landed in a week or two. This year, there are limits for weekly landings, but the season is stretched out considerably and over several months. We have many harvesters who have landed 15,000 to 20,000 pounds of cod this year. I've spoken with one experienced harvester who has caught 36,000 pounds of cod using just hook-and-line, just he and his daughter in a boat each day. Landing 36,000 pounds of quality cod is a positive change, albeit a first step for the economics of our cod fishery.
There have also been positive steps taken by the federal government to encourage investment in the inshore cod fishery. Last year, during the federal election campaign, Prime Minister Trudeau committed to allocate the first 115,000 metric tons of northern cod to the inshore fleet. This allocation existed before the moratorium, and inshore harvesters were given every expectation that it would once again exist, once a normal commercial cod fishery restarted.
In late July of this year, Minister LeBlanc confirmed to me and the senior executive of the FFAW that this commitment stands. The first 115,000 metric tons of northern cod will be granted to the inshore sector. This is an extremely important commitment. We are building a cod fishery from a very small base at the moment. If we are going to change how we catch, transport, process, and market large amounts of cod, those engaged in that sector need to know that there is a consistent allocation of fish, so they can invest with some security.
The commitment to 115,000 metric tons is the best security the industry and our country can receive. It will give us time to rebuild at a reasonable pace, to build markets, to build expertise in catching and processing quality cod, and to figure out how best to fish and manage the new northern cod fishery.
For the harvesters of Newfoundland and Labrador, the cod fishery is not about revisiting the past; it is about charting a new future. Our hope is that, 30 years from now, the idea of a cod fishery won't bring to mind images of 1992 and the dreaded moratorium. Rather, we hope it brings to mind images of 2016, images of a man and his daughter catching 36,000 pounds off a hook-and-line, and how we've just started, as I will remind you, the process of turning a sustainable cod fishery into a pillar of prosperity for coastal communities from Newfoundland and Labrador.
Thank you.